How to Water Houseplants
The secret to growing almost every houseplant is properly watering. Of course, temperature and light need to be appropriate as well but these two simple tricks will take any known plant killer and turn them into a plant champion!
Grow your plants in a container with DRAINAGE. Yes that means a hole in the bottom of the pot AND soil with added drainage medium such as coarse sand, perlite or pumice.
ONLY water when the soil feels DRY. Did you know you already own a sophisticated moisture sensing instrument? If you have lost both your arms, you might want to use a toe. The epidermis in your skin is extremely sensitive to recognizing moisture. Don’t be afraid to dig your finger into the soil down past your first knuckle, potting mix doesn’t bite! If you detect any moisture let the plant ride until the next time you feel it’s dry. If you are struggling with this, pick up the pot and put your finger in the bottom hole to feel for moisture. When it feels dry, bring it over to the sink and soak the soil letting the excess drain out the bottom.
That’s it! All you need is your finger, or a toe, and drainage and you will be good to grow most every houseplant. As all things in life there are exceptions, including:
Carnivorous Plants - Never allow drying out and grow in peat with drainage medium. Rain or distilled only.
Succulents - Let dry out longer in the winter. Use extra drainage medium.
Cacti - Never water in winter time, unless temperatures are 75F+
Rhizomatous Begonias - Don’t let water touch the rhizomes! Bottom watering advised.
African Violets and Gesneriads - Water temperature must be slightly warm to touch.
Ferns - Some ferns enjoy wetter conditions. Water more often than most plants but allow them to dry out slightly.
Orchids and Epiphytes - Large variance depending on species. Orchid Bark chips and light watering for Moth Orchids.
Air Plants - Spray or soak the entire plant with rain or distilled every few days in dry and bright conditions.
Hope this helps. Can’t wait to see your plants thrive!
Happy growing!